Things To Expect When You Experience Your First Shiatsu Massage

Posted on: 10 October 2017


If you've had a massage in the past, there's a high degree of probability that the practitioner followed the techniques of Swedish massage. This form of treatment, which uses varying degrees of pressure and slow, methodical movements, is very common at massage clinics throughout North America. Perhaps you're looking to add something new to your next massage appointment — maybe after your therapist has told you about some additional training that he or she has been taking. One different type of massage that you may enjoy is Shiatsu, which is notably different than Swedish. Here are some things to expect during a Shiatsu treatment.

The Pressure Is Different

In Swedish massage, your practitioner will commonly use the heels of his or her hands to apply uniform pressure on various muscles throughout your body. You'll immediately notice that the type of pressure in Shiatsu massage is different. Instead of using the heels of the hands, your practitioner will commonly use his or her fingertips. When treating a specific muscle, the practitioner will put a specific amount of pressure onto the muscle with one or more fingertips. Doing so creates a pleasant sensation that can alleviate muscle pain.

It's Highly Relaxing

When someone describes the process of Shiatsu massage to you, you might initially question why you'd want someone poking his or her fingertips into your muscles. This is an oversimplified definition of this ancient practice, and you may be surprised to know that getting a Shiatsu massage is highly relaxing — perhaps even to the point that you fall asleep during the treatment. Keep in mind that the massage therapist will constantly communicate with you about the pressure that he or she is using, so you'll never be subject to an unpleasant poking sensation.

You May Get Moved Around

When you have a Swedish massage, you'll spend virtually all of the appointment lying on your front or your back. With Shiatsu techniques, you'll learn to expect the unexpected — your therapist will often contort your body into different positions to help treat your pain. For example, if the therapist needs to work on a particular muscle that is tense when you're lying straight, he or she may instruct you to move your body in a specific manner. Or, the therapist may even ask you to lie limp so that he or she can move your body to help a tight muscle be able to release.

To learn more about this and other styles of massage, contact businesses like Wellness54.